Photography allows you to capture moments of time that cannot be reproduced. It is essential to a journalist, because a visually appealing photo can draw a reader to a story and can give viewers a better understanding of the story. Photos give appeal to a story, when words are simply not enough. Due to these reasons there is a need for knowledgeable photographers in the news sector. “Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution,” Ansel Adams.
In order to create a picture that resonates in the viewers mind, there are several things the photographer must consider before taking a picture. Many factors combine to make up a powerful photograph, so the photographer must be aware of these elements. First, point of view, or the angle from which the photo is shot, is an important component to any picture. The point of view can vary depending on the subject, but it should always portray the subject in an appealing fashion. Every decision the photographer makes about the point of view will change how the viewer sees the photo.
Below the Subject Point of view Eye Level with the Subject Point of View The subject of the photograph needs to stand out from the background, because this allows viewers to see what is important in the picture. Before taking the picture be sure and frame the subject very carefully. Looking through the viewfinder of your camera can help frame the subject more accurately. Elimination of distracting elements will eliminate distracting elements and make the photo visually stronger. When shooting, avoid placing the subject in the center of the photograph, this divides the photo into thirds, and is not visually pleasing.
Rule of thirds
Lighting can make or break your photo. Always use lighting that enhances your photo. Early morning and afternoon is usually the best time to shoot pictures with the appropriate lighting. Afternoon light is too bright and creates harsh shadows on the subject.
Afternoon Lighting
This overview describes the main qualities of a powerful photograph. Knowing how to capture a memorable and well shot photograph can enhance a story and draw readers to a story, thus is very valuable to journalists. The best way to learn and understand these qualities is to get out and practice.
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