Friday, May 17, 2013

"Dearest Butch"

This is a picture of a letter my grandmother wrote to my grandfather several years ago. She nicknamed him "Butch" and no one knows why. It seems this letter was sentimental to my grandfather, because he kept it for several years after it was written. 

How Does Weather Impact You?

I tried to show how weather makes an impact on everyday lives. I pictured, snow, ice, rain, cold and warm weather. They each have a different effect on different people and these pictures convey the impact the weather can have.

Photographing an Adjective

In photography class I was given an adjective to picture, wet. My main goal was for the viewer to be able to guess the adjective immediately after viewing the pictures. Through these photos I tried to capture "wet," which took a lot of planning and brainstorming. I wanted it to be obvious, yet tasteful and beautiful. The photo of my black lab, Carver, after a bath is a great depiction because it captures his wet nose and fur. In the other photo, Preston is splashing his face and the movement of the water is caught and wet is shown in an everyday activity.

Nature Shots

These barn owls nest in a bird box at my family farm every spring. I try to get pictures of them to show their growth and progress. They are very interesting and beautiful animals.

Portrait Photography

What makes a good portrait? When intimate moments of someones life are captured are great portrait can be made. Some of these pictures are of the classic smile, but the best of them are the ones where more than a smile can be seen and where laughter can be heard.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quality Time

Joe Cross and Robert Burden enjoy breakfast at Hardee's every morning together. They have been friends for years and they enjoy spending the start of each day together.

1904 New Market Train Wreck

Alice Coker had not been born when the 1904 New Market, TN train wreck happened at the farm she was raised on, but she can remember the first hand account her father gave her. On September 24, 1904, Coker's father, Joseph J. Whitaker was harvesting corn when he heard the two trains swiftly making way toward one another. He knew there was going to be a crash, so he tied his horses up to a wagon and went to watch the wreck. "The sound of the crash was heard for miles," says Coker. Alice Coker resides in LaFollette, while her son, John lives on the family farm in New Market.

Implications of Coal Mining

Charles Stanley, a former coal miner, displays a piece of coal that became lodged into his head after a blast in the mines. The son of a coal miner, Charlie, took after his fathers profession and has suffered from its after-effects. With half of his lung black and a piece of coal forever lodged into his head, he will never be able to forget his coal mining days.  

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Small Town Celebrity, Hack Ayres

LaFollette native, "Hack" Ayres knows everyone in town and everyone knows him. Iconic LaFollette auctioneer and businessman, Ayers has deep roots in Campbell County. He can be spotted around town wearing a tall, white straw hat and driving a bright-yellow truck. Ayres has lots of stories to tell and is one of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. At the age of 7, Ayers witnessed his fathers murder by revenuers and, since then, has worked extremely hard for everything he has. He owns several hotels in the area, and makes a point to greet his guests for 3 hours each morning. Ayers keeps to his traditional values and shows that they still hold true, judging by his immense personal success.